lørdag 19. juli 2008

Working blues

At work... Actually I'v been working for 32 hours straight now... tripple duty at one job and then at the bookstore... Murder on the soul I tell you!

It's the International Jazzfestival here in Molde right now... The city that's usually more dead than cowpoop is now a mayhem of children, loud music, booths with all kinds of crap and drunken rednecks. Such a pleasure... Oui... Pluss, it smells like old hamburgers and urine everywhere... Yes, Molde, as we say: truly the bellybutton of the world... No, more like the lint you find in that bellybutton and have picked and pulled out and left for dead under the rug...

So, in true tradition of the festival we're going out after work today... I'll probably fall over after two beers...

ooooh, and I've forund me some shooooes! Not the real deal, but I can't afford any Marc by Marc Jacobs shoes right now, so I found these at Ellos.

2 kommentarer:

  1. ååå, skjønne sko:) HOT, hot,hot <3

  2. I know... Høy som faen, men det ska vi fikse... Etter et par flaska vin blir d nok bedre :P
